Illustration of the Russian composer Mussorgsky, adapted into a book cover. As a kid I remember being both thrilled and scared by ‘Night on bald mountain’ featured at the end of Disney’s Fantasia. This illustration was created with printmaking and pen and ink.

Brushed pen and ink line art for the portrait of Mussorgsky.

Original pencil drawing for the portrait of Mussorgsky.

llustration adapted for E.M. Forster's classic sci-fi short story (part of the Penguin calssics series). I original did a version of this illustration for a Hawkwind concert poster as part of the album 'Machine stops' tour, a concept album based on E.M. Forster's story. See the poster here.

The final illustration was created using a mixture if print making, pen and ink and then digitally re-coloured.

My original pencil drawing for the illustration.

An adaptation of some of my brushed ink drawings for the cover of Emily Bronte's classic novel. I wanted to present Catherine as part of the moors landscape by using her hair as a silhouette against the sky. The aim being to give her the appearance of an apparition or ghost.

Digital recolouring of my brushed ink drawing.

My original drawing was made with black ink painted with a brush.

An adaptation of some pf my printmaking for the cover of a series about mythological characters.

Digital recolouring of my printmaking.

My original lino cut printed with black ink.

This is part of a ‘Little Horrors Series’ I’ve created for teenage and young adult readers. The character is based on a portrait I did of Helen Bonham Carter. The illustration was made using printmaking and pen and ink and re-traced in Adobe Illustrator for design layout.

This is another of my illustrations I recently adapted into a book cover - Diary of a teenage Ghoul. It’s part of a ‘Little Horrors Series’ I’ve created for teenage and young adult readers. The character is based on a portrait I did of Tim Burton as a gothic schoolboy. The illustration was made using printmaking and pen and ink and re-traced in Adobe Illustrator for design layout.

This is another of my illustrations I recently adapted into a book cover - ‘Spooky bedtime stories’. It’s part of a ‘Little Horrors Series’ I’ve created for teenage and young adult readers. The illustration was made using printmaking and pen and ink and edited digitally for design layout.

I created a series of folklore illustrations a while ago and have been adapting them into a series of book covers for illustrated guides. This one is about root elves, mushroom elves and other subterranean faerie folk. The illustration was drawn with a scratchboard technique on card using etching tools in layers of oil pastels.

I created a series of folklore illustrations a while ago and have been adapting them into a series of book covers for illustrated guides. This one is about flower elves and other forest and garden dwelling faerie folk. The illustration was drawn with a scratchboard technique on card using etching tools in layers of oil pastels and metallic paint for the leaves.

I created a series of folklore illustrations a while ago and have been adapting them into a series of book covers for illustrated guides. This one is about fruit, nut and berry faerie folk. The illustration was drawn with a scratchboard technique on card using etching tools in layers of oil pastels and metallic paint for the eyes and leaves.

I created a series of folklore illustrations a while ago and have been adapting them into a series of book covers for illustrated guides. This one is about animal faerie folk. The illustration was drawn with a scratchboard technique on card using etching tools in layers of oil pastels and metallic paint for the eyes and antlers.

Book cover design and illustration for 'Everyday Colour', published by The Colour Ministry. The illustration was created with printmaking, pen and ink and edited digitally with Adobe Illustrator.